YouTuber Milly Wa Jesus's mother has expressed concerns with her daughter's persistence in pursuing the gastric balloon weight loss process.
Back in December 2022, Milly tried to bribe her mum into blessing her so she can proceed with the procedure but she refused and told her she looked fine the way she is.
However, in the latest episode of the reality TV show Oh Sisters, the concerned mum could be seen resisting the urge to bless her daughter to continue with the idea.
"Aki sasa mum anataka nini, si tulishaongea, mbona analeta hizi maneno saa hii," asked Milly. (What does my mum want, we already talked. Why is she bringing up all these issues now).
"Aki sasa mum anataka nini, si tulishaongea, mbona analeta hizi maneno saa hii," asked Milly. (What does my mum want, we already talked. Why is she bringing up all these issues now). Milly's mum asked Kabi why he was not also going to get the balloon for himself but is busy pushing her daughter to undergo the process. "Ama juu ni bibi yako? Hapana. Mimi naona kama tutawacha hii kitu. Kabi unajua huwa unaniambia mambo na mara mingi huwa nakuskiza. Lakini hii nilikuambia kutoka kitambo staki. Na bado unainsist. Tuulize Milly kama atawithdraw hii kitu, juu staki," said Milly's mother.