In a surprising move, Grammy-Award winner Doja Cat recently posted a no-makeup selfie on social media, showcasing her natural face with all its blemishes. The "Get into It" sensation captioned the photo as a "thirst trap," leaving fans divided in their reactions.
While some fans dismissed the post as a trolling attempt, others applauded Doja Cat for boldly embracing her natural skin and defying societal beauty standards. The comment section was a mix of support and criticism, with one user sarcastically suggesting a "like this as an 'unlike' button" option. Another fan commended Doja Cat for normalizing skin imperfections and empowering those who struggle with acne, emphasizing that even celebrities like her face similar challenges.
Amidst the selfie controversy, one fan couldn't help but mention the ongoing controversy surrounding Doja Cat and devil worship. Referring to her latest single's visuals, they provocatively asked, "Devil worshiping doesn't clear up acne, does it?" Surprisingly, Doja Cat replied, "no, it gives you cysts," injecting humor into the situation. In another response, she playfully teased her fans with her "secret skin care routine."
The controversy doesn't stop there. Doja Cat's music video for her new single "Paint The Town Red" has already garnered nearly 4 million views in just three days. However, it has also reignited accusations of satanism and Illuminati worship that have followed her throughout her career. Rather than shying away from the rumors, Doja Cat openly admits to trolling her followers with Illuminati conspiracies, finding joy in their reactions.
However, not all recent news has been positive for the artist. Reports have surfaced claiming that hundreds of thousands of fans unfollowed Doja Cat after she went on a rant over the name of her fanbase.
It seems Doja Cat is no stranger to controversy, and her latest selfie has sparked yet another debate among her fans. Whether it's embracing her natural skin or playfully engaging with her followers, Doja Cat continues to make headlines and keep her fans on their toes.